Dental bonding in Bury house dental practice is a leading cosmetic procedure that is full of restorative benefits. we can repair your chipped front teeth or hide minor aesthetic defects. Composite resins for bonding cracked teeth actually stick with your teeth changing shape.
Direct composite bonding is used to recreate a smile in an additive manner, where little or no tooth reduction is needed. Direct bonding, in the hands of a skilled operator, is less costly than porcelain veneers and crowns and can be long-lasting with proper maintenance.
Cosmetic bonding processes usually last no longer than an hour, unless you want to restore more than one tooth at a time. During your appointment with us, you will undergo the following steps:
3. Bonding – once preparation is complete, some amount of bonding material will be put onto your tooth using a professional dental tool. Then, the material will be molded and shaped to create an ideal form of your tooth. It may be necessary to apply several layers of the composite resin to ensure the best length and thickness.
4. Polishing – this phase is important to create the right shape of the restored tooth. The dental strips will be removed and the applied material will be polished with a fine dental drill. Polishing is completed only when the bonding material looks like a natural part of your tooth